
2015/04/04:Antigoni Zournatzi 博士 講演会のご案内

National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens) の Antigoni Zournatzi 博士が来日されるのを機に、京都府立大学において、下記の要領でご講演いただくことになりましたので、ご案内いたします。



・題目: Greeks and “Ionians”(O.Pers. Yauna-): Achaemenid perspectives


An illustrated (powerpoint) presentation about Achaemenid perceptions of the “Greek space”, drawing especially on the testimony of Achaemenid remains in Iran (structures, reliefs, monumental inscriptions) but also using Greek and earlier Near Eastern evidence. Items I would address in this context:

1) “Ionian”craftsmen in Achaemenid Iran: archaeological realities and Achaemenid political rhetoric;
2) possible contrasting perceptions of the identity of the Yauna-/“Ionians” in classical Greece and Achaemenid Persia;
3) the conquest of Aegean Greeks (and Cypriots) in the Achaemenid imperialist worldview.



京都府立大学文学部歴史学科 阿部 拓児